Our client schools choose us because the quality of our candidates sets us apart from other education recruitment agencies. We also minimise recruitment costs and eradicate the need for supply teachers. At i-teachers, we only accept the very best candidates and we are absolutely not a short-term supply agency. Instead, we work with our client schools to positively impact long-term staffing and to maximise the use of school budgets.
We are dedicated to delivering the highest level of education recruitment. We bring fresh, exciting and passionate talent into education, and with our meticulous approach to matching candidates with schools, we keep those individuals engaged and making a difference in education. We achieve this, first and foremost, by only working with premium candidates, who we identify by assessing all applicants through our industry-leading candidate vetting process. We match each successful candidate to their ideal role in a school that suits them perfectly. This results in teachers who excel, increased performance from pupils, and thus happy client schools who no longer see the need to recruit themselves because we provide higher quality candidates at a lower cost.